This conference paper, co-authored by Honda Motor Co. and Cadence, reveals cutting-edge findings on the aeroacoustics predictions of multibladed vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) rotors using large-eddy simulations (LES).

Why should you read this white paper?

  1. Advanced Simulations: We conducted simulations on VTOL rotors with two to five blades, assessing high-frequency noise predictions.
  2. Experimental Validation: Our results, in collaboration with Honda, align closely with wind-tunnel measurements, ensuring accuracy.
  3. Innovative Approaches: Learn about our use of our low-Mach flow solver Fidelity LES and Voronoi-based meshing for complex geometries.
  4. Practical Applications: See a proof-of-concept simulation of a full-scale eVTOL aircraft, demonstrating real-world applications and GPU accelerated efficiency.

Key Highlights:

  • Accurate Predictions: Capture key aeroacoustic phenomena, including BPF tone and broadband noise.
  • High-Accuracy Modeling: Benefit from high-fidelity large-eddy simulations for transient turbulent flows.
  • Computational Efficiency: Explore our scalable methods and GPU acceleration to reduce computation times.

We gratefully acknowledge Honda Motor Co.'s invaluable collaboration on this paper, which was presented at the AIAA AVIATION 2023 Forum. AIAA 2023-3938 - Session: Propeller, Rotorcraft and V/STOL Noise V: Design, Optimization, Noise Reduction