Ensure Reliable Electronic Design with PSpice
From smartphones to baby monitors to pacemakers, electronics play an integral part of our daily lives. To ensure the safety, functionality, and longevity of these products, it’s crucial to design for reliability from the concept stage through the product’s end of life to ensure that customer expectations are met throughout the product's lifetime while maintaining low overall life-cycle costs.
Designing for reliability means employing a systematic and streamlined engineering approach where reliability is built into the development cycle. With circuit simulation, electrical engineers can easily identify potential points of failure, stress factors, and reliability issues to ensure that designs don’t fail in the field.
Cadence® PSpice® is the industry-leading comprehensive SPICE simulation toolkit for analog and mixed-signal circuits that can help address many reliability concerns from your initial design stages to PCB handoff. Test and iterate on your designs in a virtual environment to reduce the time and cost associated with physical prototyping.
So, whether it’s functional optimization, electrical overstress, or Monte Carlo analysis, you can model and assess the impact of long-term reliability by simulating your circuits. Easily adjust and model various operating conditions such as temperature, voltage, current, and power to ensure your designs remain within safe operating limits and don’t prematurely degrade over time. Bring a reliable product to market by mitigating potential failures prior to production and go beyond just a basic product offering by creating a true competitive advantage in your product, where reliability plays a major role in customer satisfaction.
Waveform Analysis
Evaluate circuit waveform results with customizable plot windows, measurement functions, and vital trace data to verify circuit performance against design requirements.
Circuit Optimization
Fine-tune design parameters to improve circuit performance, reliability, and yield with the following analyses: Smoke, Sensitivity, Optimizer, Monte Carlo, and Parametric Plotter.
Electro-Mechanical Simulation
Quickly simulate your entire electro-mechanical system, hydraulics, and thermal blocks with bi-directional integration between PSpice and MathWorks® MATLAB® and Simulink®.
Electrical Over Stress (EOS)
Analyze component stress due to power dissipation, increase in junction temperature, secondary breakdowns, or violations of voltage/current limits that can lead to circuit failure.
Extensive Model Support
Access a vast built-in library of over 35,000 parametrized models from various IC vendors ranging from discretes to PWM controllers and BJTs to MOSFETs.
This video will help you determine the behavior of components in non-ideal conditions like excessive power dissipation, rising current flow, or sudden increase in temperature. With PSpice, you can easily measure the stress levels of components due to variations in power dissipation, temperature, overvoltage, and overcurrent.
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