Easily Manage and Optimize BOM With OrCAD X
Supply chain management is an important aspect of the schematic design process; however, it is often overlooked and left unmanaged until the end. This essential task can hinder your project’s success if not taken seriously and managed correctly. Issues within your supply chain can extend time to market, increase costs associated with production, and potentially halt your product before it’s even gone out the door.
The best way to ensure this won't happen to your project is to have visibility into the supply chain with real-time availability, cost, and part information. The right kind of supply chain management not only helps you keep track of the parts needed for your PCB but also helps maintain the documentation, integrity, and reliability of your electronic designs.
The new Live BOM feature within the OrCAD X platform provides a real-time BOM health grade based on supply intelligence, which is powered by Sourcengine™, an electronic component marketplace with a database of one billion+ parts from across 3600 worldwide suppliers and manufacturers.
With Live BOM, you can compare pricing, check availability, calculate lead time based on production quantity, and confirm multi-source availability, all from the same OrCAD X Capture design environment, without the need for any outside tools.
The traditional concerns of wondering if your BOM matches the latest version of the design or having to manually generate a BOM are no longer necessary. When you launch Live BOM, the dashboard is populated with design details you’ve specified and automatically updates with real-time supply chain data from Sourcengine™. Part additions and deletions are instantly reflected, ensuring the design version and BOM are always in a synchronous state.
Component data is automatically augmented with supply chain attributes covering lead time, inventory, pricing, material compliance, technical parameters, and lifecycle. Data interpretation is simplified using basic scoring removing the guesswork out of the component design in risk and current market availability. The culmination of all this data is presented in a central health dashboard, conveniently identifying parts of high risk and in need of replacement to meet production targets.
Identify disruptions early and respond quickly by optimizing the BOM to an ideal state. Live BOM utilizes real-time market data to uncover deficits in component and source selection. High-risk parts can be easily replaced with form, fit, and function (FFF) alternatives. Part updates to the BOM can be selectively back-annotated to the schematic, ensuring design continuity.
Utilize historical real-time market data to provide predictive insight into future part availability, inventory, cost, and pricing, greatly improving BOM resiliency.
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Resource Hub: Cadence PCB Design and Analysis
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Webinar: Optimize Your Supply Chain
OrCAD X Platform takes the OrCAD Capture solution and expands it to create a PCB design tool that gives you more visibility into your supply chain.
Video: OrCAD X Feature - Live BOM
Live BOM in OrCAD X gives design engineers visibility into market availability of electronic components to check supply chain risks.
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